About Trust

Service to man is a true religion “ Inspired by this principle, Honorable Shri Y.D.Mane established “The Kagal Education Society”, Kagal(KES). The KES opened its door to 100 students from the backward class in its first endeavour in 1960.
“Devchand Shah Chhatralaya”, the hostel for the destitute children’s since the, The Kagal Education Society has undergone many ordeals during its remarkable journey of 45 years. Incidentally, the very site of the hostel was trocen upon by the holy and pious feet of Rajashi Chhatrapati Shahu.
The champion for the causes of the downtrodeen.KES has witnessed the growth of Institutes in different fields such as education, vocational training and education, distance education agriculture, heath care and various social activities .Consistent emphasis on ‘Service To Man’ is the driving force behind the growth of KES.


Our mission is to nurture our students with best quality, relavent and vision based education and to develop attitudes, skill and values which will enable them to strive for excellence and perfection in the tasks undertaken to serve the needs of industry, society and nation in general and in rural zone in particular and prepare to them for an exciting and rewarding career


  • To become leading Institute for providing the highest quality education to the students and serve the industry and society through excellent education.
  • To develop entrepreneurial s qualities in students and mold them to become good human being.
  • To upgrade infrastructural facilities and maintain state of art learning environment.

Academic Objective

  • To impart quality education and management through state of art technology & mold student for excellent,
  • To develop multidimensional personify of students to survive in the globe competitive world.
  • To cultivate positive attitude in the students to the applied research & exposure to advanced technology through expert technocrats and educationalist.
  • Transformation of students into competent technocrats and responsible citizen through convergence of technology.
  • Consistent follow-up of punctuality, regularity and sincerity to create conductive environment to develop over all personality.