Having 60 Years Educational Experience
Hon. Late Shri Y.D.MANE(Anna) was born & brought up in the fatherhood of late Shri Dinkarrao Ramchandra Mane Alias(Dada).The reputed teacher and disciplinarian, a staunch activist of Satyashodhak Moment started by Mahatma Jyotiba Phule.
Hon.Shri Anna, a teacher at bones, and active politician for some times, a social reformer,an entaprenure by birth , an educalionist, a great visionaryis the founder of the Kagal Education Society.Graduated from Conveted Fergison College,Pune, he took up teaching as a career in which he chanced work with reputed scinctist Dr.Vasant Gowarikar.Buthis spirit os entrepreneurship made hime give up teaching and lay down foundation of Kaga Education Society.
As an active politician he assumed the post presedent at Taluka Congress Commite and then the presigent of kagal munciple council.A few of his decision during the small tenure as presedent served as landmark in the all round development of kagal town.
His yearning for education made him quit active politics and devote himself fully to the causes of education .He undertook different educational endeavours with the commitment to provide education to the students of rural part of kagal.Particularlly he import the job oriented courses to students to earn their livelihood for self,reliance.Consequently , he established socio-agrricultral and educational institutes.
However,it is noteworthy that he strugeled hard to established the institutes devoid of any substational financial support from outside.His struggle is an indication of his determent spirit and commitment the cause of soci–economic and educational advancement of the society.
His personal life was also an ideal example of ‘simple living’in the the personal life he was a farmer and agriculturist by instinct and consequently he incessantly made experiments in agriculture.
KES is an elouquent testimony to the vision , motivation and labour of honrable shri,Y.D.Mane.His zeal, dedication and infinite energy always inspire and motivate others to collective effords . This is the spirit of shri.Y.D.Mane, Which in turn has become the Spirit of KES.
Shri Y D Mane(Anna) – Founder